michal@ezraider.comEZRaider – A whole new way to move EZRaider is the first and only personal 4×4 electric vehicle, combined with a suspension system, where the driver stands and has a completely new experience of driving. DSRaider Ltd. introduces the – a new, unique, electric all-terrain vehicle. The EZRaider creates a new category in the field of electrical mobility vehicles. The EZRaider combines powerful, go-anywhere mobility in a variety of off-road scenarios, offering operational simplicity, and high reliability and durability – while ensuring the highest level of user safety. EZRaider offers a totally new ridding experience that introduces the use of all-terrain vehicle capabilities to all personal mobility markets. Features and Benefits: » All terrain mobility – Uniquely suited to travel in all-terrains, including challenging paths, forests, boulders, sand dunes and deep mud. » Low life cycle cost – Requires simple and low maintenance cost, and has low resource requirements. » Patent protected – Unique concept and special mechanical design, both patents protected. Addressable Market: EZRaider addressed the entire spectrum of personal transportation needs including tourism and recreation, personal mobility, military and para-military as well as agriculture vehicles; all multi-billion industries. The ATV and EV/personal transportation devices markets that cater to these industries are projected to reach over $14.5 billion and $33 billion respectively by 2026. DSRaider have already established themselves as a supplier to security and HLS bodies and have generated sales traction with tourism companies, ATV customers and hunter communities with nearly 600 EZRaider units sold globally. Go-to-Market Strategies: DSRaider’s initial target market is the US and European markets. » Distribution Agents – Main strategy – Sales through vehicle dealers who specialize in ATV vehicles. » Business Collaborations – Implementing EZraider in a 1 tier manufacturer in the ATV market. EZRaider and SoftRide signed a cooperation agreement to create autonomous driving platform based on the EZRaider vehicles. SoftRide is an Israeli startup specialized in autonomy and robotics. While autonomous driving of private vehicles will take some time, SoftRide’s goal is to transform any type of outdoor non-passengers vehicles to drive autonomously – with a plug-and-play solution – Today. SoftRide develops and sells today autonomy kits for machinery that drive in different areas, such as ports, logistics, security, and agriculture.