ארכיון Greetings - AUS&R & AUVSI BROADCAST https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/category/greetings/ The Unmanned Systems and Robotics event - in collaboration with AUVSI Israel and AEAI. The broadcast edition will expose innovative technologies, interviews with the leading experts, air and ground demonstrations of unmanned vehicles and anti-drone systems. Accompanied by a live chat system, startups’ innovative technologies, and presentations by the best experts according to content zones. Mon, 07 Sep 2020 17:54:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-FAVICON-32x32.png ארכיון Greetings - AUS&R & AUVSI BROADCAST https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/category/greetings/ 32 32 Brian Wynne https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/greetings/brian-wynne/ https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/greetings/brian-wynne/#respond Mon, 07 Sep 2020 17:48:50 +0000 https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/?p=409 הפוסט Brian Wynne הופיע לראשונה ב-AUS&R & AUVSI BROADCAST.


הפוסט Brian Wynne הופיע לראשונה ב-AUS&R & AUVSI BROADCAST.

https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/greetings/brian-wynne/feed/ 0
Ehud Noff https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/greetings/ehud-noff/ https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/greetings/ehud-noff/#respond Mon, 07 Sep 2020 17:47:26 +0000 https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/?p=398 הפוסט Ehud Noff הופיע לראשונה ב-AUS&R & AUVSI BROADCAST.


הפוסט Ehud Noff הופיע לראשונה ב-AUS&R & AUVSI BROADCAST.

https://ausr-broadcast.i-hls.com/greetings/ehud-noff/feed/ 0